12 Oct
Uniform methodology for managing projects in the company - pros and cons

In many large companies or organizations that manage a large number of projects at the same time, the question arises - whether to implement uniform project management methods.

Reality shows that this usually does not happen by itself. In the process of the company's growth, and when a situation of multiple projects and the recruitment of project managers begins, a situation usually arises in which they formulate work methods for themselves based on their knowledge, preferences and previous experience, and before one can notice, different habits have already been established in the field.

In the next stage, when the management is looking for transparency and qualitative information about the status of the projects or when challenges begin, it is difficult for the organization to get a picture of the situation, understand where the problems are, and control the decisions.

It should be remembered that even at this stage and in fact at any stage it is not too late, it is still possible to change the situation and implement uniform management methods that will allow efficiency, transparency, knowledge sharing and uniformity. It will only be a little more difficult and there will probably be more resistance in the field.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of such a move despite and in light of the effort it requires? And is it really worth making this effort?

The advantages:

1. Improvement in management efficiency - there is no need to reinvent the wheel, the manager's energy and effort are invested in the management itself and not in formulating the management methods, templates, and reports.

2. High clarity - over time, the teams and stakeholders become familiar with the work processes and know what to expect, which increases the sense of security and effectiveness

3. Transparency - when working with uniform management methods, the information flows up regularly, therefore it is more available to the management and enables identification of bottlenecks and decision-making.

4. Predictability - over time, the available information also enables the prediction of schedules, budgets, risks, and reduces surprises in projects.

5. Continuous improvement - when working with a fixed method it is possible to constantly improve it according to the results and to cause continuous improvement

The disadvantages:

1. Freedom of action - the project managers may feel limited in their scope of action, and therefore there may also be objections.

2. Difficulty adapting a uniform method - sometimes the projects in the company are very different from each other and it is difficult to find a method that will fit. This may lead to compromise on certain issues.

3. Need for supporting positions - uniform work methods usually need implementers and/or auditors who will enforce them.

As you can see, the advantages are many and significant, so it can be said with certainty that in the vast majority of cases it is worth investing the effort and implementing a uniform data-based method and potentially also a uniform project management tool.

Moreover, a large company that does not do this will find it very difficult to produce high-quality and satisfactory data on the projects and to improve efficiency and results and will be subject to the complete influence of the abilities of the project manager.

At the same time, one must remember the shortcomings and take care of them -

Leave freedom of action to the project managers, and there are many places where it is possible and even requested,

leave a degree of flexibility that allows the method to be adapted to different projects,

and share the project managers themselves in decisions, the process and its implementation.

When you do it right - the results are guaranteed, and in some ways it's like coming out of darkness and into the light.

Good luck !

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